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Master And God (2012)

by Lindsey Davis(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 2
0312606648 (ISBN13: 9780312606640)
St. Martin's Press
review 1: Great book! Author Lindsey Davis does an excellent job, as usual, meshing Roman history and anthropology in an engaging romance novel. An added bonus is her wry observation on human nature, things like "People were lazy and wanted no trouble. They would knuckle under to any system, even bad ones, provided they could understand what was expected of them. With a ruler who was mentally disturbed, quiet periods lulled them into hoping everything had settled down, but ..... It left everyone hysterical." p. 412. Applies to corporate culture today, too, doesn't it?
review 2: Set in first century Rome under the rule of Emperor Domitian seen from the vantage point of an Imperial Guardsman, Gaius Vinius Clodianus and a freedwoman Lucilla who is a hair dresser to importa
... morent women, and men in the palace. The story works its way over 10-15 years and I enjoyed it. Don’t know much about this period in Rome’s history and it is always refreshing to read completely new settings, people etc. There was a masterful small chapter written from the POV of a female fly (I actually feel bad I forgot her name!) as she is annoying Emperor Domitian. Entirely unexpected and fresh feeling, the end of that chapter oddly made me feel more sad then the terrible punishment of the Vestal Virgin in the book, that is some great writing to get the reader so engrossed by a fly’s life. But alas, that was only one chapter. The book flows very well, the chemistry and zing between Gaius and Lucilla is nice, they are able to work with and without each other. Not your typical love story to say the least. The one thing that confused me was how she wrote Gaius’ name sometimes Gaius Vinius Clodianus others Gaius Vinius then Clodianus this multiple names used constantly for everyone was a little trying on my brain. less
Reviews (see all)
Partially Read but thought it might get depressing with a ruthless despot on the throne.
Loved it. Absolutely loved it.
Another brilliant book
Not enough history.
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