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Der Skorpion (2000)

by Lisa Jackson(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 4
To Die
review 1: Really liked this book - the downfall - it's a cliff hanger!!!Very large cast of characters and at first seemed overwhelming, but Ms. Jackson knows how to make a story flow.Some red herrings cast in your way and I was a bit confused until the story really began to unfold. So how many serial killers are there lurking in the mountains? You'll have to read the book and figure it out for yourself. :)Some romance with a bit of apprehension, all-in-all a good book and introduction for me to Lisa Jackson.2 thumbs up and 4 stars (would have been 5 but I really don't like cliff hangers) - do I recommend this book, yes to anyone that likes a good murder mystery.
review 2: A frustrating ending to a good, pacey and well-written, chilling who dunnit/who dunwhat tense crim
... moree thriller - otherwise I'd have given it another star.The cover says, if you love Karen Rose, you'll like this. I had just finished a Karen Rose story when I read this, which was not a deperately good idea as they are rather similar writers, but I'd say this was a better story, better written and a little less formulaic and definitely not overlong. The Karen Rose could have done with some pruning as it was rather repetitive, but this would have benefitted from greater length and a more resolute ending - a major player in the book being taken at the end and never mentioned again is only going to frustrate the reader, especially if there is no mention of a sequel.I would have appreciated one of those teaser chapters at the end of the book - it would have sent me off to find the next instalment rather than just a bit cross. less
Reviews (see all)
Dang Cliffhangers. Good book, but boy did it leave me hanging at the end.
First of the "to die" series, read the second one first.
This book missed its mark and left to die! ugh
this was good and kept me hunting for more
this book i did not like at all
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