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Afraid To Die (2012)

by Lisa Jackson(Favorite Author)
3.95 of 5 Votes: 5
1420118501 (ISBN13: 9781420118506)
To Die
review 1: The two recurring characters in the "To Die" series are Selena ALvarez and her partner Regan Pescoli, police detectives. Selena's squeeze is PI Dylan O'Keefe. Grizzly Falls in Montana at Christmas time has a nasty murderer who kidnaps women from the town, kills them, and then artistically arranged them as ice sculptures. The baby Selena gave birth to as a teenager years ago surfaces in her life, as her puppy disappears. Which townsperson is responsible for the bizarre murders? Will he claim Selena as an ice maiden?
review 2: This being the 4th book in a series, I enjoyed learning Detective Selena Alvarez's life-long secret. But having 3 serial killers creeping about in the winter in a small town in Montana was too similar of a story line of the first books
... more. This book has way too much repetition of the first 3 books. The reasons of the killer's outrage were not very well described, and left me thinking - well, he just must be crazy. less
Reviews (see all)
Thank God for decently written formulaic fiction. Sometimes it hits the spot.
tried to read this book but just couldn't wade through the muck and mire.
This book was set up to scare the pants off of you! I loved it!
Another new author for me.
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