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The Island Of Fire (2013)

by Lisa McMann(Favorite Author)
4.38 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: This series just keeps getting better and better! Praise the author for writing a fantasy I feel all ages can enjoy. This is one dystopian world I think I would love to live in. I love all the kids, Simber is awesome and kitten and captain Ahab sound fabulous! This is the perfect mix of adventure/mystery/friendship/fantasy/and even a little creepy! This book had tons of happy moments and adventures. I hope it keeps up the trend for the rest of the series!
review 2: Was a very entertaining book although it had no major battle scenes. I loved how it kept my interest. However, throughout the book I kept expecting something major to happen. The small battle scenes/rescue missions were kind of dull. While I never was really inspired to read the book quickly, I enjoy
... moreed it.Four stars, three for being able to keep the series alive with the book, one for plot and character development.It loses a star with the crappy cliffhanger at the end (you can't just do that to me!) and for overall, being a dull read. The climax of the book was anti-climatic. less
Reviews (see all)
OMG this series is so good!!!! Can't wait till the next book comes out!!!
OMG there has to be a fourth book. Not finished with the plot!!!!
Pretty good. I liked the first Unwanteds book better, though.
Awesome I loved it cant wait to get the fourth!!!!
loved it!
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