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Hear No (2013)

by Lizzy Ford(Favorite Author)
4.2 of 5 Votes: 4
1623781183 (ISBN13: 9781623781187)
Guerrilla Wordfare
Hidden Evil Trilogy
review 1: I’ve been reading Lizzy Ford for quite some time so when I say she had a book listed on NetGalley I immediately HAD to have it. Hear No was a fantastic start to what looks like a exciting series. Angels, demons, humans, what could possibly go wrong when you mix those three together? Only the possible change that the world is ending. I knew this was going to be a great read when Nathan hands a first gen a snow globe filled with glitter. (Ooooh, shiny object!) and a cigarette laced with LSD! Obviously, Nathan is a guardian who doesn’t mind working outside the box. His latest challenge: Nathan must eliminate the human host guiding Shadowman to the keys. Kaylee just seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or is she because little does she know she is what is anch... moreoring Shadowman to the human world. Boy are these two in for a while adventure!There are many characters with lots going making this a very busy book. Sometimes that can be distracting. For me, it was a great combination of chaos and order. In the end, this is a story about good, evil and who is on what side when it comes to the Shadowman. I did have a head smacking moment when I finally got what the title of the book meant. Yes, Amira is deaf, but it seeing the rest of the titles in the Hidden Evil Trilogy that gave me my V8 moment. Hopefully, I don’t have to wait to long for the next book because I can’t wait to see what kind of trouble Nathan gets into next. As for Hear No, consider this book, and any other by Ms. Ford, recommended. I received this book from Net Galley for Books, Food, and Shoes with the express purposes of an honest review. The opinions and rating of this review are solely mine and in no way was I compensated.Stars – 4, Flames - 3
review 2: (ARC courtesy of Indie Inked and NetGalley)If you like a quick moving, action filled paranormal novel, this is a great fit! You jump straight into plot development right from the very first page so it's definitely an exciting read. The characters each have their own distinguished personalities and you either love them or you hate them. It was slightly weird for me to read a book about angels and demons and to learn that Nathan and Kaylee are, in essence, "good" but that they do bad things, curse, and have hot, unprotected sex. I'm just having a hard time connecting the "heavenly being" part and the "crude" part but hey, that's my issue. I think the downside to this book is that it's actually a smidge too fast paced. I felt as if I was rushing through the story but I think it would have been better if this novel ended further along in the plot than where it actually ended. There are two more books in the series but I kind of wish there were only two books total because I'd like some of my questions to be answered rather than coming up with new questions for the next two. I give this book 4.5 stars because the writing and storyline is good other than some editing misses. less
Reviews (see all)
Lizzy Ford can not fail! Everything she writes is simply amazing and Hear No is no exception.
My friends was talking bout it and I said i have to read this book and it turn out to be good
absolutely loved it, a great page turner! but then again Lizzy Ford is an awesome writer!
Beautifully written. I love Lizzy's book!
review to come :)
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