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Kick-Ass 2 Prelude: Hit-Girl (2013)

by Mark Millar(Favorite Author)
3.91 of 5 Votes: 3
0785165983 (ISBN13: 9780785165989)
review 1: Hit Girl was undoubtedly the most refreshing character in Kick-Ass (book 1). Her dangerous, violent and hilariously sarcastic demeanor is delightful - I was very much looking forward to this. Sadly, Mark Millar did not deliver. The plot was way too disjointed and rushed for my liking, and it felt like he was trying too hard to make Hit Girl an even cooler character. But above all things, the momentum built up in the first book was completely sapped.
review 2: To some extent, I know any fan would be wanting more of Hit-Girl and her adventures. However Millar decided to make use of her teenage life as to somewhat importance in this back story. This eventually caused the majority of readers which are boys to disconnect with the character. What's great about Kickas
... mores is any boy can relate to him but with Mindy/Hit-Girl's personal affairs, who cares? Girl problems never interested any guy, c'mon now. It's far from the compelling story of the first book. Though we can still see Hit-girl in action but seldom. But as a fan, you'd still follow this book to the end even if the story is just not worth it. less
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woot woot!I think I'm gonna cosplay as Hit-girl soon. After I finish my Khaleesi cosplay
Garbage Pail Kid with a machine gun.
Really good
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