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Daredevil, Volume 7 (2014)

by Mark Waid(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 5
0785154426 (ISBN13: 9780785154426)
Daredevil Vol. III
review 1: This whole end of the run focuses on a supervillain group known as the Sons of the Serpent, and I'm mystified why Waid decided to spend all this time on a bunch of hack villains who I've never heard of.Little heavy-handed on the anti-racism touches, aren't we Mark? I get being inspired/pissed off by the recent shootings of unarmed black kids, and seeing the US South regress to its animal/patriarchal urges, but really this reads like it was the lost pages of one of those parody-of-the-South episodes of Family Guy or The Simpsons. Not that I entirely mind, but Waid is usually so even-handed that this stand out pretty sorely. Or maybe not - when Waid springs his trap, even I get caught in its teeth. Back to the first issue for a second though - Waid as much as anyone knows th... moreere's a few thousand superheroes in NYC, so when a riot breaks out and they need some help, why is Matt only calling one person? I thought of three other people immediately who would've been just as much help, and would've made that story more believable. I'm just... mystified by this Serpents story. How does this complement a "Foggy has cancer" storyline? Or worse, why was Waid so motivated to spend time on the Koch brothers (my guess who he's really writing about) at all? When did Waid become a political shill? I thought he was far more subtle than this. [And I happen to agree with his every sentiment, and the argument he puts forth is pretty solid. And I *still* felt punked at reading this in a comic, even if it's "Justice Warrior Matt Murdock" comic.]So the only way I can reconcile a secret society of white supremacists in a Waid comic is as a plot device to convincingly force DD to do what he does in the final moments. What a stunt to pull, Mark. This is quite the flourish to end a run and launch another. I'm a big fan of Waid's DD run and I feel like a bitter cynical bastard for doing this, but given my reactions to the details I gotta rate this lower than most of the run. Still looking forward to the next run tho, so don't take it as an indictment so much as my capriciousness getting its due.
review 2: The Sons of the Serpent plot continues to be strong, which means that these new volume is good other than the issue and a half monster-mash digression. The worse part is that I'm not convince that Matt discovered anything useful during those wasted issues.The ending of this volume was also quite surprising. After so clearly moving away from the Bendis/Brubaker era of Daredevil, it was shocking to see Waid end on such a major response to that era of stories. It was a great bit of continuity, and a great bridge to the next era of Daredevil (also by Waid). less
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And so we come to the bittersweet end. Wait, what was that? A relaunch? Same team? Count me in.
Never fails to pull me in, even when I'm doubting :)
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