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Butterfly's Daughter, The (2011)

by Mary Alice Monroe(Favorite Author)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
1441812962 (ISBN13: 9781441812964)
Brilliance Audio
review 1: I enjoy a book that not only gets me involved in the lives of the characters but also introduces me to something that I don't know much about. In this book, I learned a lot about Monarch butterflies and the Mexican feast of the Day of the Dead, which coincides with the return of the Monarchs in late Autumn. I thought the use of the life cycle of the monarch as a metaphor for the lives of the characters clever. The women characters were strong and I felt the author treated their lives and feelings with honesty. All in all a satisfying read.
review 2: I give up! I can't read any more of this book. My emotional response was indifferent at best.1) It reads like a Dora the Explorer book with Spanish words in italics then translated into English.2) It reeks of
... moreirresponsibility! These women just up and leave their jobs and responsibilities for a month or more for the sake of butterflies??? I like butterflies as much as the next person but the writer makes a really big deal about how Luz has always lived hand-to-mouth and now she has enough money to drop everything and live carefree. I was especially aggravated by Ofelia, who can barely take care of herself and now she has a kid and suddenly can't take care of her dog anymore. I resent it when anyone, including authors condone objectifying pets. 3) The narrating voice is inconsistent and sounds ridiculous (e.g. The dog leaped out of the car "and commenced mad sniffing").I don't like to quit books but this book was made for quitting. less
Reviews (see all)
I really enjoyed this book. It's a wonderful tale of taking chances and finding oneself.
Added to my bucket list: go to the wintering grounds of the monarch butterfly in Mexico.
3 1/2 to 4 star to me
Too sappy for me.
3.5 stars
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