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Secrets Of Simplicity (2008)

by Mary Carlomagno(Favorite Author)
3.17 of 5 Votes: 5
0811863948 (ISBN13: 9780811863940)
Chronicle Books
review 1: I think the flavour of this book suits me very nicely. I enjoyed the quotes which allowed me to reflect and think deeply for a few minutes.The layout and the engaging simplicity of the wording does compel me to do the worksheets. I haven't actually done them, albeit only in my mind. Maybe putting it to paper will do wonders.I gained new knowledge about references such as Thoreau's Walden pond which I have not heard before this. I also like Carlomagno's ideas about clearing clutter.
review 2: Full of pretty illustrations and quotes from big men... oh! And lists that you have to do and fill up to help you contemplate things! which is exactly why this book isn't really working for me. Too 'high level', I guess. Feels like I am being nagged at by an auntie who wags
... more her finger at me and telling me I'm doing things the wrong way and I should sit down, be a nice girl, make those lists, meditate and do yoga while I listen to her quoting sayings from Buddha and other enlightened masters of past. There are some good ideas and thought provoking things in this book; unfortunately for me I have to concentrate really hard to find these gems, shifting through all the fillers and pretty & sweet drawings and quotes. less
Reviews (see all)
Even more disappointed than "Give It Up." Extremely banal.
I should especially read the section called "Focus."
Nothing special....
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