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The Invincible Iron Man, Vol. 10: Long Way Down (2012)

by Matt Fraction(Favorite Author)
3.66 of 5 Votes: 4
0785160485 (ISBN13: 9780785160489)
The Invincible Iron Man
review 1: I'm not sure if it was just me, but when I started reading Long Way Down, I felt like the first couple pages were a little jarring. Why was Tony talking to the Avengers and why were they so pushy about trying to help? After this though, the story got good and stayed good. Things are not just dark for Tony but you almost feel sorry for Ezekiel here. Detroit Steel is also a surprising character in these issues. The story for Invincible Iron Man feels rich and the way that all the characters are used really helps keep the plot moving too. This story ends on a nice cliffhanger and it seems like things just keep getting worse and worse for Tony. I'm really looking forward to the last volume of this series. It is one of the stronger ones I've read from Ma... morervel.
review 2: I'm still really enjoying this series--the way it keeps pushing Stark more and more into a corner of what is feeling like a losing war on everything. Plus, there's a ton more of Pepper Potts in action as Rescue, which is an aspect of this series I've been long enjoying. Stark's quite vulnerable in here, which is definitely making for some good plot twists. The unexpected direction at the end makes me glad I already have the next volume lined up from the library--should be an interesting twist on things. less
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Yet another volume of one of the greatest modern era superhero stories.
Noooo spymaster nooooo.Stop with the stabbing.
Individual issues on marvel unlimited
Holy crap.
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