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Invincible Iron Man, Vol. 6: Stark Resilient, Book 2 (2011)

by Matt Fraction(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 1
The Invincible Iron Man
review 1: I read this like ten minutes ago and don't remember what it was about, so that's a good sign. I was really hoping I could get through Fraction's run in what amounts to one sitting but I don't think I can do it. The Stark Resilient arc is about... cars, I think? He's making cars? It was very stupid (not just the cars, which I don't care about; the villains were really terrible). Also I swear he just learned about how he has to ask for help because he was stranded in the desert of his mind or something, but two issues later and he's barely talking to Maria and whatever, Tony, you're the worst. The main thing I remember is him saying he doesn't actually wear clothes anymore because of Extremis (or whatever we're calling it now that we're no longer calling it Extremis). The ar... moremor lives in his bones and takes over and then the fake clothes come back when he's no longer in the armor, except for the fact that HE TOTALLY WEARS CLOTHES. How does that even work? Does he program it in when he wants to wear his red tux to the gala?Okay, yeah, I'm having too many Tony Stark Feelings, definitely time to set it aside for a while and come back later.
review 2: O.K. I'm reviewing Stark Resilient as one unit as it would be strange only to buy one part. Also, I got this in comics form but being British they come in collections and I think this story may have been rather edited to save space. Nevertheless, I still think I can review the story. First up, those who say there is no action are wrong. No, it is not a bam-bam extravaganza but so what? This tries to be a more cerebral and characterful experience. But there are still two clear action scenes in the whole thing. I like this version of Stark too, contrite yet standing up for himself and trying to be really better with a new green and egalitarian agenda! However, I do have a few issues. First, I don't really like the artwork. It is a bit vague and ill defined for me and I do like bright and vibrant armour among other things. Also, everybody looks a bit scruffy. The second issue I have is that the machinations of the Hammer women is not particularly sparkling and realistically it was not difficult for Tony to deal with. Really, the story is more about Tony rebuilding his business and relationships and his enemies manoeuvring themselves in a position to attack him than any real combat. Still, it is not bad at all and helps set up Iron Man and Tony in a new direction after the whole Civil War/Norman Osbourne disaster. less
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This was the first comic book I have ever read. I really like it. Pepper is awesome.
I can't stop reading these arcs of Iron Man!Damn you, Matt Fraction!
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