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Love Song Of Monkey (2010)

by Michael S.A. Graziano(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 1
1282746812 (ISBN13: 9781282746817)
Leapfrog Press
review 1: The Love Song of Monkey is a very fast read, and an interesting one. Our narrator, Jonathan, is terminally ill. After an experiment, he finds himself instead to be immortal, or nearly so. With his newfound power, he takes a journey of the soul, deep in the ocean and in New York City. I enjoyed the book, and its fast pace, as well as its soul-searching. Jonathan's dedication to unfaithful love is somewhat troubling, but it works for him.
review 2: It's sweet and cute and very short. It's gorgeously surreal about a man whose wife and doctor kill him while trying to cure him but in the process, turn him immortal and dump him in the ocean where he becomes a statue and learns to let go of his negativity, finding that there's still love in his heart for his wife. Tha
... moret's spoiler type material but that isn't what's important. It's really an extended short story but it's written with such grace I have to admire it. less
Reviews (see all)
This book was a little weird....but it was a quick and easy read.
This is one WEIRD story! But a quick and entertaining read.
very odd book, read it in a day at the beach...
A little bit different. I give it 3.5.
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