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Leveraging The Universe: 7 Steps To Engaging Life's Magic (Abridged) (2012)

by Mike Dooley(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 2
1582703159 (ISBN13: 9781582703152)
Atria Books/Beyond Words
review 1: I thought I was done with the self help genre, but I found this book really inspiring. The basic premise that "thoughts become things" sounds sort of woo woo,but it's really just a new take on positive thinking. If you think you're a looser, you probably are... Add in a little "fake it 'til you make it" and you get the idea. A twist that resonated with me was the approach of spirituality without religion. And I love my Notes from the Universe. Hokey yes, but a great way to start the day. Subscribe! They're free!
review 2: I'm not sure what was more helpful, the great insight or the humor used by the author to open the reader up to his insight. Both tactics helped to lighten up the topic of an otherwise depressing affliction - the mind. We are much t
... moreoo hard on ourselves and it strangles our creativity. This is an excellent starting point for those who wish to understand mind over matter and the way our thoughts become our reality. As a note from the Universe: Thoughts Become Things...Choose Good Ones! less
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I guess I have to re-read it. I didn't get it the first time.
Staying active. Staying inspired.
definitely some new ideas.
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