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Manifesting Change: It Couldn't Be Easier (2010)

by Mike Dooley(Favorite Author)
4.15 of 5 Votes: 4
1442336439 (ISBN13: 9781442336438)
Simon & Schuster Audio
review 1: I'm sure if you follow all that Dooley says, it will work. This was one of the better law of attraction books I've read until he decided to try to 'explain' cancer. Why do these people always try this? I mean, I get that it's a question he must be asked - if our thoughts create our realities, then why does bad stuff happen? His answer that nothing bad ever does happen - it's always good, and there's always meaning to it. So he says that cancer sufferers always win - even if they die they get to live again, and it was just their time to 'check out'. Huh?!? WTF?! My mum died from lung cancer and she died paralysed from the waist down, and in complete agony. I cannot find the 'good' in that. If it was her time to check out, then why couldn't she have passed away in ... moreher sleep? If it were that simple, then no one would die of cancer - people would just go to sleep and 'check out' peacefully. So Dooley, at the end of what was up until then a good book, is asking me to buy into 'bad stuff is actually good' and 'people don't really die'. Sorry, but he's asking a bit too much.Not everything can be explained - especially why and how people get diseases.
review 2: So far this book is really interesting. I believe in the basic premise - thoughts are real.It is the next level of the power of intention. My only concern with all of these types of books and concepts is that they tend to come from a white, middle-class/ upper class, male perspective and do not take the social construction of class, race, and gender into account. It would be exciting to see books written by people of color and working class people who use these tools for social change and not just white men who use them for personal gain and wealth! less
Reviews (see all)
Definitely worth the read. Gives some useful strategies for decision-making.
This book reads like he is making it up as he goes along. If like it so far.
Love his style! Cindy and I are going to read it again together!
It has already changed my life is such positive ways!!
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!
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