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Cold Hearted Son Of A Witch (2011)

by M.R. Mathias(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 3
Michael Robb Mathias Jr.
The Dragoneers Saga
review 1: Another satisfying book from the Dragoneers series. If you think The First Dragoneer is an interesting introduction to the whole saga, wait till you read the succeeding installments. Cold Hearted Son of a Witch doesn't disappoint, even if it's not the most amazing book from the series, it still gives me the chills. The first impression did last this time. I like the mute character Lemmy and the old kickass characters from the first books. Mathias writing is simple but flows fluidly. He loves to set the mood and tickle your imagination. From the charismatic heroes, firmly focused action, and well executed mysteries, Cold Hearted Son of a Witch is a triumph of the fantasy genre. M.R. Mathias can play with your many emotions and you'll even thank him for that. Rereading is no... moret my thing, but I did skim the pages of the previous books before reading a new book from the series.
review 2: This is a shorter book then the first book in the series. It took me no time at all to read it. I was a little disappointed in the length but I got over it. This book has more depth and the characters are fleshed out more. Zah is featured prominently and it was great seeing her come into her own. She is just beginning to tap her powers. I see there are two more books so far in the series and he plans to write more. That makes me very happy.Jenka is an interesting guy. He is maturing and making less dumb mistakes. There is also a blossoming romance between him and Zah. It isn't the icky sappy kind that would ruin a good book. It is really just a side note. There are still plenty of big battles and quests in this book. Jenka's dragon Jade gets a bigger role as well. If you enjoy reading fantasy novels this is a good series. If you haven't read fantasy novels before it is also a good starter series. All age groups will enjoy it. It doesn't seem to cater to a specific group. less
Reviews (see all)
Was good but not as good as the first one.
Couldn't even finish it.
Great story!!
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