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Laulukoor (2010)

by Prue Leith(Favorite Author)
3.03 of 5 Votes: 1
9985320360 (ISBN13: 9789985320365)
review 1: This is a polished tale from an experienced and thoughtful writer. Humourous in its own way, because readers can laugh gently at themselves as they laugh at the antics, thoughts and habits of the three main characters, it also asks the reader think as well as laugh. Rebecca, Lucy and Joanna join a choral society for three different reasons and are thrown together by their choral master to help Joanna relax enough to be able to sing out loud. Lucy is sinking into depression, she’s a newly bereaved widow. Rebecca wants money, a man and gaiety. Joanna, the single, highly successful business woman, wants to sing. These three disparate women become friends, supporting each other, finally even going into a business venture together. The story is charming, not at all sentiment... moreal, for Ms Leith is an honest writer. The characters have a chapter each and we follow their ordinary lives as well as their choir lives until they all combine in the last few chapters. One of the joys of this books is that its three heroines are middle aged women who face growing old, their past mistakes, and uncertain futures, yet manage not only to survive, but to live with enjoyment. I found the book a pleasure to read.
review 2: I really enjoyed this story! It was refreshing to have characters who weren't "just out of their teens" or in the yummy brigade of their 30's!It took me a little while to get to know the characters and occasionally I had to remind myself who was who, but overall they were beleivable women, and one of them (Rebecca) did remind me of my mum in some places!As a book I downloaded on a bit of a whim, I'm glad I did and I would not hesitate to read again or reccomend it to a friend to read. less
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It was a good book to chill out and read in traffic jams. Nothing extra, though.
Chick-lit for grown-ups; very readable.
great for lazy days in the sun
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