“I’ll Take “Crazy Bitches” for $200, Alex”

I finally set aside some time to focus on writing out a full post. Lately I’ve been working, reading, or binge watching Netflix. Have you seen Stranger Things? Bloody hell, it’s good. The Duffer brother’s unique brand of genius has distracted me quite a bit. And those kids! So young and so talented. It really makes me think about my life and what I want to accomplish in it. Oh, if I had even an ounce of what they’ve got.

So I said I’ve been reading. I’m a big fan of Goodreads and their yearly reading challenge. It keeps me motivated and reading. One can never have too many books, and god knows I have my fair share. It is about time I at least make a dent in that pile.
That being said, I’m addict and I will more than likely buy more. Which I did yesterday.

Poetry really isn’t my thing. Even when I took a class on it in college I couldn’t get into it. My favorite bookstore in town had this stack of these books called Broetry, aptly labeled “Poetry for Dudes”. This is one I can get behind. I’m sure most poets and poetry lovers alike would scoff at my appreciation of this book. It’s witty and brash at times but I couldn’t help but laugh.
Sometimes that is what you need in a book. It doesn’t always have to be mentally stimulating. Sometimes its nice to just find a book that is real and speaks to you a normal level. Especially these days. Everything in the world is so tense and filled with people who cannot get along. It’s nice to find a book that says shit happens and there are other things in the world to think about.
Like pizza and beer.


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