Let’s fight lust, let’s battle it to finish!!


We can’t battle sin on humanity frontiers and hope to come out winners; it has never worked this way. Legalism and keeping of laws cannot cut it. 

Rather loving God and despising the world and sin is the only way out of lust.

Sometimes we convince ourselves saying

 “All I need to do is to be engaged to that godly man or woman, lust is finished. Or, If only I can marry, lust dies on the wedding day. I will be done with it for good”

Sadly, lust awaits you just a step after the wedding vow, holding various placards of better strategies and promises.  

Marriage or a Godly relationship is not the solution to lust. This is the reason we can’t postpone this fight till tomorrow. We need God to fight and win.

See what God’s word says;

Romans 8:5-8

“Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s spirit is in them-living and breathing God! Obsession with self in this matter is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what He is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored”.
The one and only solution is to resist lust with the cross and confront it with your vehement love for God above it. This will hack lust down. It is being bold enough to look at lust in the eyes alongside its sweet cakes of fantasies and willingly say “I just can’t love you, I love Jesus whole heartedly and He suffices” We will be willing to do this over and again until it is convinced it has lost a customer in us.

This is no new strategy as we find Joseph in the Bible adopting it as well. 

Firstly, Joseph showed “lust” how much he loved his God when he said “How do I commit this great sin and sin against God”

 Lust and sin wanes in comparison to God when Joseph tried to place them side by side.

God should be our motivation for purity, not unwanted pregnancy, HIV and AIDS, godly relationships, marriage or any man or woman. Our love for God and what He did on the cross should be our motivation above any other thing.

Secondly, Joseph fled from the things that instigated sin. Most times our desires to live pure lives are mere lip services rather than action. Purity only happens to those who desperately want and seek it. We hope that God will save us from immorality and our every decision pitch us closer to immorality.  Our friendships, music, soft porn novels, internet, news stand, and other sources of temptation should be fled from.

However blessed our will is, however strong our resolve is, we are soon taught the most humbling lesson, we can’t fight lust with our human strength, even rules are not adequate. 

Grace is all we need.

That Grace that pushes us to love God more than the temptation.

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