Additions to the Tbr Pile 

Happy New Year to everyone! Here’s to another year of reading and (hopefully) blogging.

I enjoyed a great trip back to Manchester, England to visit my dad. The return journey to Japan took longer than expected due to delayed flights and a rather surreal transit in Beijing airport. But I made it home with bags and senses in one piece. Just.

I tried my hardest NOT to buy more books over in the UK but as you can see from the picture above, I failed. Only four, right? That’s what I keep telling myself. At least I didn’t have to post any over this time.

I’m delighted to finally(!) get my hands on those two novellas by Aliya Whiteley. Megan over at fromcouchtomoon has been singing their praises for a while now. The same can be said for Adam Roberts’ latest novel The Thing Itself. I’ve heard nothing but fantastic things about this one. The only problem I’m having is deciding on the best time to begin it. It sounds like a book to be read in the winter, so I’ll have to decide soon.

Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus is a book I’ve been wanting to read for a long time. Too long I think, so it’s time to remedy that this year. Have you read any of her stories? I’d love to hear about them if you have.

I’m gradually working my way up to writing and posting my first review of 2017. I have developed quite a backlog of books-to-be-reviewed and have had to face the fact that I will never review them all. Ah well. What can you do? Keep on keeping on, as they say.

Over the holiday period I read three books that I really enjoyed. They were:


Europe at Midnight (2015) by Dave Hutchinson
The Wolf in the Attic (2016) by Paul Kearney
The Snow (2004) by Adam Roberts

I am hoping to have reviews of these excellent books up soon(ish). Until then, I will be continuing the brilliant Burning Chrome as the first book of my 2017 William Gibson Read-Along challenge. There’s still time to join me!

Hope you had a wonderful time over the New Year. All the very Best Wishes for 2017!




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