Angelbound by Christina Bauer

I received a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks to the author and YA Bound Book Tours for this opportunity. I will also briefly state that this review may contain MINOR spoilers, as I was unable to formulate my review any other way. These spoilers should not spoil your enjoyment of the book in any way.

As this is an audiobook review (which is new to me), this will critique the quality of the Audible narration as well as the actual content of the story. Some of the voices put on by the narrator/author were quite annoying, in particular for her mum in the beginning and for Sissy. Her mum’s voice is forgivable as the book is told from Myla’s perspective and she finds her mum very annoying and aggravating in the beginning, but I think we are supposed to like Sissy most of the time, so it was a little off-putting, but it didn’t hinder my enjoyment of the story very much. The mum’s character also annoyed me at the beginning, but I enjoyed her character much more towards the end of the story and understood why she was the way she was.

Myla is the main character and I will admit that at the beginning she annoyed me and her relationship with her mother aggravated me. However, both of these elements grew on me throughout the novel and I have a feeling that in the next two books Myla will grow so much and become an absolutely fabulous main character.

Lincoln on the other hand, apart from thinking he was close-minded and ignorant to begin with, I absolutely loved. He is very good for Myla and such an amazing character in his own right. I really hope we get to see much more of him in the next books. Walker is a babe and I love his platonic relationship with Myla (like, cousins or siblings) and his genuine goodness. Xavier annoys me to begin with me, but grows on me as well. Zeke grows on me by the end and Sissy, although her voice annoys me and she does some pretty bad-friend things, is also a good person, but they aren’t particularly exciting or interesting characters, so I hope there is a bit more development in the next book. I actually thought that the relationship between Zeke and Sissy went a bit fast. One of the other relationships