Bedtime rituals




Dear Reader

One of the most important things to help me keep my sanity is sleep. Ask anyone who knows me, when it comes to sleep I don’t kid around. I try and get as much sleep as possible because without it, I’m pretty intolerable.

Especially this year – the year of self-love – I want to make sure that I’m giving my body enough time to relax and regenerate. And whereas I find living a balanced life definitely entails things such as hobbies, good food, work and fun, sleep and relaxing is also a big part of feeling and being balanced.

At the end of last year, where my head was so full of, well … everything, I had a really hard time sleeping. And as I’ve already mentioned without sleep, I’m INTOLERABLE – just ask my husband – I cry, get moody, it’s not cute. I had to really quickly find a way to help me calm down my thoughts and my body, so that I could sleep well again … you know for the sanity of the people around me.

I started turning off my phone an hour before bedtime and reading a book. Turning off my phone is something I want to implement more in my day-to-day life (but that’s for another blog post). Reading a book really helped me, I felt much more at peace when going to sleep and felt like my thoughts were less all-over-the-place.

As a vivid coffee drinker I really had to stop my caffeine intake, because I was noticing how nervous the caffeine was making me. I decided to start drinking decaf coffee and this has made a huge difference for me. I noticed that my dreams weren’t as abstract and that overall my sleep was much more calm and revitalising.

The last thing I started to do and I think this was the most affective for me, was to create a bedtime skincare ritual. I call this kind of my ‘switch off button’, because when I do my bedtime skincare ritual, my body automatically switches into shut down mode and I feel ready to go to sleep. Besides taking off my makeup, I really make sure to use massaging motions to apply my cream and I also use the Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate. This stuff is amazing!! It smells of lavender and each time I apply it to my face, my body is like ‘okay … time to hit the sack!’

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