Title: Tonight The Streets Are Ours
Author: Leila Sales
Genre: Young Adult/Contemporary
Number of Pages: 342
About: Arden is the most loyal person there is. When she stumbles upon a guy’s blog and becomes fascinated by his life happenings, she decides to go on a road trip with her best friend Lindsey to meet him. Some people are not what they seem to show themselves as.
Characters: Arden is the most selfless character I have encountered upon. She’s kind and loyal and tbh I totally related to her and loved her a lot. And Lindsey is an adorable troublemaker. Their friendship is the best thing about this whole book.
Feelings: Don’t be fooled by the opening sentences of the book: “Like all stories, the one you’re about to read is a love story.” But guess what? It really isn’t the kind of love story you’re thinking about. What I loved about the book that it was more focused on the friendship of Arden and Lindsey and the reality that is life. We don’t always want to read a boy-meets-girl book, do we? I always appreciate authors who can write something, anything, other than that and, I must say, Leila Sales is a really talented author.
Recommendation: Totally! If you want to read a book which talks about friendship, reality, a road trip, an LGBTQ character (Did I mention Lindsey’s a lesbian?), family and life in general with a teeny tiny bit of romance, then this is the book you’re looking for!
Favourite Quote:
“I don’t understand how anyone is capable of just leaving someone they love. Unless they didn’t really love them in the first place.”
Rating: 4/5 stars.
To everyone who got this far, thank you for reading and have a wonderful day! Also, feel free to share your thoughts, comment or tell me anything