Boxing Day Duck Soup

One of the healthiest and most economical things a person can do is to boil the bones of a bird–in our case, delectable duck–and make soup.

Homemade duck soup

Yesterday’s roast duck became soup broth today. Any good meat was picked off, the bones boiled, thrown out, and the meat added back. I didn’t have much at home to add to the soup, and with the Extreme Cold Warning going on, I wasn’t in a hurry to run to the store.

I had the important things–the simple staples of a Czech kitchen: carrots, parsnip, onion, garlic, and black pepper. No fresh herbs, but as an added bonus, I had a bag of genuine Hungarian paprika powder my brother had brought me as a Christmas gift, and fresh turmeric root from an ethnic Indian store in south Edmonton. Sea salt and Himalayan salt crystals are always staples in my home.

Credit: Environment Canada (Weather Office app) and AccuWeather widget. Degrees in Celsius.

The soup turned out spectacular; this photo doesn’t do it justice. The flavour was full, balanced, three-dimensional. Nothing was missing except perhaps a sprig of garnish for the sake of a presentable picture.

This is how you can make an extra meal out of little. Unfortunately, it takes time. But the health benefits make it well worth the effort.

I don’t have an actual recipe because I eyeball everything, but one day I hope to make a cookbook, and when I do, this and other recipes will be in it.

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