Business Log Week 1 | Knowing Vs. Doing

Every week I track my attempts at growing my three self-employed-ish projects. I’d love to hear about your progress towards your own goals so that we can cheer each other on!

The long-awaited start of self-employed life started with… a long sleep. I actually woke at 8am on Monday morning raring to go, then completely crashed for a four hour mega nap in the middle of the day. Perhaps the long commutes for a year had taken more energy out of me than I’d thought!! Eventually things got going though and it was so nice to feel just how many hours and opportunities there are in a single day when there’s no full time office job to work around.

Stuff I did this week

    • Slept and generally recovered from a crazy final fortnight in my old job
  • Finished redesigning and relaunching the website of Tempus
  • Set up some new clients and tweaked email copy to be more punchy

Challenge of the week

I know that I feel calmer, more productive and more positive when I use checklists and plan my time efficiently. I also know that I work best and am more focused when I have a regular sleeping pattern. In reality, the temptation to sleep in is strong, as is the tendency to just ‘start doing stuff’ instead of creating a short plan beforehand. In attempt to be kind to myself, I’m setting myself the target of fixing these habits by the end of the year. Little steps!

Stuff to do next week:

  • Advertise/promote relaunched website in at least two ways
  • Plan email communications to potential new clients
  • Get on top of my calendar/organisation system

If you’re working on a big project or a big goal, GO GO GO! I hope the thought of wrapping something up by the end of the year helps you as much as it helps me!


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