Clunes Booktown and book haul

Hello there.

Welcome to my first ever book haul blog post (if you can call it that).

A little over a week ago I went to the Clunes Booktown Festival.  Yes it is exactly as it sounds. For one weekend every year the tiny Goldfields village of Clunes is completely overrun by books. The town centre is closed off and the main street filled with tents, trucks and tables, upon tables, upon tables of books. Nearly every building down the street is also filled with books (even the hairdresser). Of course, where there are books, there is also authors. Oh, and the State Library, local university and local artists. Yeah. It was pretty epic.
Unfortunately, I arrived late on the last day of the festival and therefore missed most of the talks, performances and activities that were hosted throughout the day. But I did get to see lots and lots and lots of old books, meet a few authors and buy a few books.

Plus seeing the streets filled with cars and with people was really special. I thought it was really awesome that so many people in our small corner of the globe still love and cherish physical books.

Also, I totally get why this is a two day event there was so much to do and see. I look forward to doing and seeing them all when the festival returns to the small town. After all  any excuse to buy more books will do!

I only purchased 3 at the festival this year – but I am incredibly excited to read them all! Here is a quick summary of each:

  • Graced by Amanda Pillar
  • I was lucky enough to meet Amanda at Clunes where she pitched her book to me. It’s a bit of a mish-mash of genres, has a little bit of romance and non-sparkly vampires. Of course I had to buy it!

    2. The Shadow on the Glass by Ian Irvine

    I like big books and I cannot lie. And the blonde guy said Ian Irving is good. And fantasy. And cheap. So yeah.

    3. Tender is the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 

    I LOVED, LOVED The Great Gatsby, it was only natural that eventually I would add some more of Fitzgerald’s writing to my shelf.


    Have you ever been to a book festival? How many books did you buy? Or maybe you’ve read one of these books? Let me know your thoughts.

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