A feature that helps you finally declutter your TBR shelf.
This was started by the wonderful Lia @ Lost in a Story whose blog you should definitely check out!
How it works:
- Go to your goodreads to-read shelf.
- Order on ascending date added.
- Take the first 5 (or 10 if you’re feeling adventurous) books
- Read the synopses of the books
- Decide: keep it or should it go?
Current count of books on my to-read shelf is… 581. Which is a lot. So let’s get rid of some of them (hopefully, sometimes I massively fail)!
1. All the Rage by Courtney SummersThis book was extremely popular a while back, and everyone absolutely loved it. This book deals with sexual abuse I believe, and it sounds really poignant and important. I am still interested in this one and would love to read it at some point.
Verdict: I am keeping you
2. Cruel Beauty (Cruel Beauty Universe #1) by Rosamund HodgeI have this on my Kindle and I’ve been meaning to pick it up for ages. It’s a Beauty and the Beast retelling (which is my absolute fave) and it promises like a darker, grittier version of it. It’s completely sold on me and I have no idea why I haven’t read it yet.
Verdict: I am keeping you
3. Little Peach by Peggy KernAh, this one has been sitting on my shelves for ages, but I love the premise so much. It’s about a young girl who runs away from her mother, who is a drug addict and ends up getting sucked into human trafficking and child prostitution. It sounds awful and dark, but a topic that isn’t explored a lot in books, and I am interested to read it.
Verdict: I am keeping you
4. The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by E. LockhartFrankly, I added this because I ADORE the title, and I liked We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. But upon closer inspection, this ended up being a story about a teenage girl who wants to squirm her way into a secret society and who possibly ends up being a criminal mastermind. THAT SOUNDS SUPERB.
Verdict: I am keeping you
5. Dangerous Girls by Abigail HaasThis is another huge hit in the book community, and it’s a YA thriller/mystery that everybody absolutely worships. I am not going to read the blurb, because blurbs always spoil stuff, but I think it features unlikeable female characters and that’s all I need to know.
Verdict: I am keeping you
I am going to do 10 this week just because I am massively failing.
6. The Demon King (Seven Realms #1) by Cinda Williams ChimaI am constantly on the lookout for good YA Fantasy, just because I love Fantasy, but I don’t think YA is necessarily very good when it comes to that genre. Chima is highly praised, so hopefully I’ll enjoy her work when I get to it.
Verdict: I am keeping you
7. Making History by Stephen FryThis one has such a FUN premise. It’s a sci-fi twist on history where Hitler hasn’t been born and how that would affect the world and what not. I really adore this premise but I am not sure I’ll ever pick this one up out of my own volition. Really torn about so if any of you have read it, I would love to hear your thoughts on it.
Verdict: Goodbye (for now)
8. Just Listen by Sarah DessenI love Sarah Dessen. Her Along for the Ride is one of my favorite books of all time. However, I don’t pick up YA Contemporary as much anymore. It’s just not something I ever reach for nowadays. So I am going to say goodbye to this one.
Verdict: Goodbye
9. The Rest of Us Just Live Here by Patrick NessI adore Patrick Ness and the premise of this book is brilliant. It’s about a dystopian setting, but it’s about all the other people who AREN’T the Chosen One. It’s just a really clever twist on YA Dystopia/Fantasy and I really want to read it. Plus, Patrick Ness can do no wrong for me.
Verdict: I am keeping you
10. Midwinterblood by Marcus SedgwickPeople recommend Sedgwick to me all the time, and I never picked up any of his books. This one comes highly recommended, but people said to me that I shouldn’t read the blurb. So I have no idea what this is about, or if it would be something that would interest me ever. So I am gonna remove it for now, but I might pick it up someday.
Verdict: Goodbye (for now)
So that was a massive fail. Honestly, it’s like I am emotionally attached to the books I put on the TBR. Still, all of these sound super interesting, I can’t help it.
The overall tally:Total books removed since I started: 13
Current number of books on the to-read shelf: 578
Thanks for reading, let me know your thoughts on these books if you have read any of them!
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