Embracing My Submission (The Dom’s of Genesis #1) by Jenna Jacob

Book Description:

Published: October 28, 2012

Format: Free Digital Book

Haunted for years by dreams of a savage, amber eyed Dominant with lips so enticing my soul ached in frustration and lust. None of the Dominants at Genesis, my local BDSM club ever stirred me in such blistering ways. While I tried to fill my submissive desires vicariously through interactions at the club, I attempted to convince myself it was enough. But it wasn’t. My dream Dom made certain I hungered for more. Forced beyond what I could bear, my passion and frustration exploded. I threw in the towel, determined to stop chasing a dream and gave up completely on finding submissive surrender. But fate intervened when two gunshots split the night. Forced to confront my desires and insecurities, I was shocked to realize that my dreams may have held a deeper meaning. Were they compelling me to finally embrace my submission?

Review –

The book is entirely written from the heroine’s perspective. 

Julianna was a submissive without a Dom, something that haunted her because she wanted nothing more but to find a good Dom who would claim her as his own. She had a past bad experience, which did not manage to turn her away from the lifestyle, and now she was under the protection of a Dom from a BDSM club she was a member of who was her mentor.

She has had dreams of a man who is meant to be her Dom and all of the dream sequences got on my nerves, I’m sorry, but I loved everything else about the story line.

Julianna and Mika were meant to be, but them getting to the point where they could finally accept that wasn’t exactly easy — Mika was grieving, and Julianna was stubborn, and had decided to give up submission — but I loved every step in their journey. It was emotional, it was hot, it was even fun.

There are other books in the series but I don’t think I’ll read them simply because the blurbs didn’t grab me.

This book however, was HOT!


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