File Folder Folio #11: Graphic 45 Seasons Tutorial Now Available!

I hope you all had a fabulous holiday!  I’m happy to announce that the digital tutorial for File Folder  Folio #11: Graphic 45 Seasons is now available in my MiniBooksRMe Etsy Shop. Yay!

You can view a detailed walkthrough of the project on YouTube (or view it right here!)



AND I’m also excited to let you know that when you purchase any item from my Etsy shop, you will automatically receive a coupon for 10% off your next order. I know! Who doesn’t like to get a reward for shopping? It’s my thank you gift to you! I truly appreciate your business.


Yes, the rumor is true! I do offer a limited number of full project kits for the projects you see announced here. Due to limited quantities, these are only made available to my newsletter subscribers. (They are not available in my Etsy Shop.)

Want to get dibs on these limited quantity kits? It’s easy! Subscribe to my newsletter by emailing me at with Subscribe Me in the subject line. Let me know what email address you want the newsletter sent to, and you’re in!


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I hope Santa was good to you this year and the you’re getting a little Me Time to play with paper, scissors, and pretty papers!

Happy Crafting!

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