Five Games to Buy in 2018

To lazily copy last year’s intro is lazy, but, well, here it is…

Listen, money doesn’t grow on trees okay! Except that it kinda does when you really think about it. Whatever, either way I don’t have a lot of cabbage to throw at games and usually have to limit my game buying to a few games a year.

I typically beg for or borrow the rest. Or wait for it to drop to a ridiculously low price, ya know, a steal of deal if ya wheel… Eh? Get it? Beg, borrow, or steal…I zzzZZZzzzzz. Anyway my most anticipated games of 2018 should actually read “the games I might actually pay full price for in 2018.”

Day One Purchases:


God of War (Early 2018): Kratos + Norse mythology x PS4 = Take my money

See, I did learn how to math! I’m an easy add as far this game is concerned though. All you had to say to me was “new God of War” and I would be there with literal and figurative bells on.

Sorry mate, I just ate ’em

Vampyr (Spring 2018): A game set in Victorian London where you play the role of a vampire that has to wrestle with the idea of feeding and on whom to feed. The game play looks atmospheric and the premise intriguing.

We ride for justice…and NACHOS!!!

Red Dead Redemption 2 (June 2018): This open world Western themed game is a must buy for anyone that played the first and second Red Dead games and if you haven’t played them you really should and then buy this one…TWICE!

Hey, is that the food truck with the awesome nachos?

Spider-Man (June 2018): “Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Doing whatever a spider can!” Which is a lot, apparently, if the trailer and game play reveal for the upcoming Insomniac release are to be believed. Insomniac are a fantastic studio and I’m super stoked they are the team behind a new Spider-Man game.

Guys, I think we should call ourselves; “Jetpacks4nachos!”

Anthem (Fall 2018): Jet packs! Did someone say jet packs?!? Not only is this a multiplayer game (similar in scope to Destiny) by Bioware, it’s also going to feature jet packs which is sure to excite any sci-fi geek. Beyond that, the talented Drew Karpyshyn is responsible for fleshing out the fictional world in which you do battle and explore. Karpyshn has been a writer on multiple Bioware games, including the first two Mass Effect games and has written his own novels as well.

Based on what I know these would be my top five games to budget toward and get excited about in the coming year. Of course things can change based on release dates, and reviews but these seem like solid choices. There are, of course, some “honorable mentions” below.

Sales Bin:

Days Gone


Metro Exodus

Wishful Thinking:

These games look to punch me directly in the neckmeat when they eventually release. Unfortunately, this will not likely be in 2018 and therefore are not in contention for this year’s list. But hey, we can always dream right?

Ghost of Tsushima

 Cyberpunk 2077

The Last of Us 2

Death Stranding


Here’s to many much happy gaming times in 2018!

And hopefully a lot of nachos!

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