Hacking Richard Branson’s Zi Wei Dou Shu Birth Chart

How do you become a successful entrepreneur, a business magnate and investor like Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson?

Adopting the birth time and date found on google, I will be basing my Zi Wei Dou Shu reading of Branson’s birth chart on the birth data, being 1950, 18 July (7am).

When analysing one’s potential to wealth and prosperity, there are a couple of things to look at – that being “self”, “travel”, and “career” courts in the Zi Wei Astrology.

Self Court

Branson’s “self” court (which dictates’ his destiny or heaven luck) includes one major star, being the “Accountant” star and one smaller star, “Di Jie” star in. This shows me that while Branson loves money he is surprisingly a conservative person by nature and as a result of this, he is not really much of a risk taker. This may be surprising notion as Branson appears to adopt a much more magnetic, extroverted personality. But this can’t be further from the truth.

The reason being is that the “self” court occupies his internal world, his soul, his spiritual being and his external world, his presence, actions, how the public views his image and interacts in public is dominated by the “travel” court.

Travel Court

His travel court has a much more stronger magnitude than his “self-court”. There are 2 major stars in his travel court. There is the “vault star” and “killer star”. Both of the stars burn brightly at top of the range magnitude, which brings about more fierce energy when it comes to actions.

While Branson may be a bit conservative, introverted and shy, when it comes to his outward appearance, he has natural gusto and energy to grab opportunity wherever he can (in particular when it comes to “making wealth”).

He is good at managing money, and calculating very quickly when making a “business deal”. His quick speed may sometimes surprise himself as there wouldn’t be much thought involved if he wants to make a business deal.

Career Court

In his career court, lies the “networking star” which is a favourable star for business but not without toil. The “networking star” provides Branson is very social in his working environment. When it comes to business, he cannot help himself but want to be liked and ensure that environment is fun and lively while at work. I find that through my readings, the networking star is equivalent to the Libran star – wanting balance.

Happiness Court

Interestingly, his “happiness court”, which represents his thinking and mind, showing that he is someone that naturally thinks strategically, all the while ensuring that public relations and politics are taken care of. For example, when making business transactions and deals, he is naturally good at public relations and knows how to better market himself in the best light possible. Those overtop marketing/ public stunts are engineered to his best advantage.

Free-Will Is Still A Contributing Factor To One’s Overall Luck

Overall, while Branson has the ability to make money and become very successful and wealthy, that wealth and success does not come without a great amount of hard work, struggle and toil, because the magnitude of brightness in his stars is actually “medium” to “fair”. I wouldn’t say that his overall birth chart is very lucky one. Therefore, the success that you see in public is years of hard work.


In conclusion, while fate and destiny is a good advantage, hard work and free will is still a great contributing factor to a person’s success.

How about you? Are you fated for success and wealth? Why not schedule an appointment with me on my scheduling page.

There is no fee required. The purpose of the call is to confirm your birth data details and to understand what you wish to know about your birth chart.

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