Happy 2018

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year with their family and friends!
We feel refreshed after our little break in Sydney and we’re ready for an exciting year ahead!

We are excited for 2018 as it is shaping up to be one of our biggest years yet! We are planning on making some changes to our product range which will see several new products and new designs.

Something I am extremely passionate about is the environment and our impact on earth. As such changes are being made to our packaging so we are more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

We’re planning to apply for more big markets and events nationally, like Finders Keepers, The Big Design Markets and One Fine Baby. It may sound crazy to talk about all these events at the beginning of the year, but honestly there are is so much involved when you’re exhibiting around the country. Money is the main thing however logistics, staff and other resources are also very important. We need to plan ahead!

We will also be focusing on the wholesale side of the business, meeting with new retailers and building important relationships. We are wanting to get our products into retail stores around Australia and hopefully around the world.
If you know any retail stores that would like to carry our product range please feel free to forward my contact information onto them.

A few years ago, before we moved to Melbourne, we showed at Life InStyle and Reed Gift Fair  . I can’t say it wasn’t a success however we didn’t receive many return orders. I put this down to the fact we hadn’t defined our brand. Our product choices were very limited also.
Since opening the shop at South Melbourne Market, I know exactly what business owners want and who my target market is. Now is the time to go back to the trade fairs and reintroduce Suki McMaster to other retailers. Now is the time to make this happen!

This is going to be an amazing year for us! Keep an eye on our Facebook and Instagram.
I can’t wait to share more news with you in the future.

Suki x

Written in conjunction with Renee Harvie (@thehappyorganicgirlau)


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