Miss Hendricks, you often say:
“It’s not all about you, OK”?
Well, Miss Nianne Hendricks,
Today I do declare,
It’s all about YOU.
I’m all about you!
Today, I’m celebrating you!
I think you should be too!
To call you my best friend would be insulting,
As you were never mine.
Comparing you to others futile,
There’s no comparison to go by.
You’re your own unique work of art,
A masterpiece that’ll never cease,
You’re more than butt and bosom,
Your mind would puzzle Henri Matisse.
Your wisdom is so enlightening,
Your words set fire unto souls,
The number of books you’ve read is frightening,
But you make me want to read them all.
They say go to school and learn from teachers,
Studying empires that rise and fall,
But true friends are the greatest teachers,
And you give the greatest gifts of all:
Valuable lessons,
Empowering “lectures”,
Humbling realisations,
Unconditional support,
Unwavering honesty,
Bluntness at its most beautiful,
And an abundance of axis-shifting love.
They say you can’t choose family,
But hey, I’m choosing you.
The blood we share runs deep,
Sister, I’ll say it again too!
You are absolutely amazing.
You’ve touched so many lives.
I know you’re greatest assets that make you, you
Will continue to shine and thrive.
You deserve a flame as profound as yours,
To keep that third eye alive!
One day the twin will come,
Or one day the twin will realise!
I hope you never give up on who you are,
The world needs more people like you alive.