Harry Potter Theory: Is The Time-Turner a Plot Hole?

I can’t believe I haven’t made Harry Potter Blog yet, and as I am running out of ideas I decided to present this theory to you: What if there was reason that Dumbledore never used the time-turner? (I don’t know if you can count it as a theory, but I am going to anyway).

***Before I begin, I am going to say that this theory is super confusing, so I am sorry if you are confuddled by the middle if the blog. I will try to make as simple as possible. I think it is one of those things that make sense in my mind, but when I explain it will confuse the shit out of anyone else who reads it. ALSO SPOILERS!!***

So the Plot Hole is this:  Why would Dumbledore not use the time-turner to go back in time to kill Voldemort, but give it to a thirteen year old girl?

I believe this is the reason:

In POA, we are first introduced to the time-turner. Hermione uses it to get to all the millions of subjects that she takes. Dumbledore gives it to her because she could be trusted.

That is the first reason (it is a weak theory that I just thought of now so just hear me out) Lets say that one of the wizards go back in time, how does Dumbledore know that it is used correctly? This witch or wizard could do something like think that they could change the misunderstood, brooding villain and do something stupid like fall in love with him. Or they completely screw up the timeline and make it even worse, like creating a worse monster than Voldemort.

You would be lying if you don’t find him attractive

Ok so lets develop on that idea. Dumbledore takes it upon himself to go back and kill our friend, he will set off a chain reaction that will ultimately cause a complete paradox.

We see in POA that Harry and Hermione go back in time to save Buckbeak and Sirius, because they have a motive. Remember they both believe that Buckbeak met his demise, James Potter saved their asses, and Sirius was on death row. They did not, however  realise that going into the past had already affected the present. You understand what I am getting at? They had a reason to go back now, because they thought they could change the timeline, but they didn’t know that in doing so it actually affected the present day.

They realise that in the present day, the future Harry and Hermione actually save Buckbeak, and the sound of the chop was from the death of an unfortunate pumpkin. They realise that Harry was the one who saved himself, and they realise that when they were with Ron in the hospital ward, future Harry and Hermione were saving Sirius. You get what I am saying. Please say you do. I can’t find a better way of saying it.

Anywho, if we apply this logic, (or the lack of it) to if Dumbledore went back in time to kill Voldemort, it would have already affected the present timeline, and Dumbledore would have no reason to go back and kill him, thus creating a paradox.


And BOOM! Theory complete! I am not going to lie I thought it was pretty good.

I might have applied some weird logic that didn’t really make sense to this and if anyone can disprove this theory, I would absolutely want to hear it!



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