If a man does any of this things before marriage – RUN AWAY:
1. If he is always nervous when you talk to him and starts fights with you because he had a bad day at work – RUN AWAY
2. If he is physically and verbally aggressive – RUN AWAY
3. If he calls you bad names, even “as a joke” – RUN AWAY
4. If he asks you to change yourself for him , but he wont change anything about him for you – RUN AWAY
5. If he is stupid – RUN AWAY
6. If he doesn’t listen to you and he is always busy, never finding time for you – RUN AWAY
7. If he asks too much from you and he doesn’t have anything to give back – RUN AWAY
8. If he is a drug addict – RUN AWAY
9. If he thinks a woman’s role on this planet is just to please him and serve him and he doesn’t have to do that in return – RUN AWAY.
10. If he is a misogynist – RUN AWAY.
So look for a man that will respect you, love you, protect you, that will always treat you nice and talk to you nice…a man that listens to you and that will always care for your wellbeing… A man that will treat u like a QUEEN…BUT YOU WILL ALSO HAVE TO TREAT HIM LIKE A KING AND DO THOSE THINGS IN RETURN … BECAUSE IF YOU TREAT HIM LIKE A SERVANT, HE WILL GO LOOKING FOR ANOTHER QUEEN …
If a man does this – RUN AWAY
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