If I Were Amos Yee

If I were Amos Yee,
I would make you hurt. 

With the world watching, you tried to silence me- a 15-year old; and failed.

“Democratic society, based on Justice and Equality”, – just one of the lies the Singapore government has the whole nation repeating since childhood. This part of the pledge was never intended to be fulfilled- makes you wonder what else is a lie.

A self-proclaimed democratic government would have challenged my video content in open debate, but no.

I was detained, jailed, imprisoned, and even assaulted repeatedly by random Singaporeans- the same Singaporeans who aggressively oppose the government’s stance on the lack of liberal movements, yet retaliate when I remind them of the farce Singapore poisons everyone with.

(Amos Yee assaulted outside court) 

If I were Amos Yee, 

I would force Singapore’s oppressing government to tell me how they pride themselves as a first-world society, when they condone such gruesome and disgusting retaliatory actions towards minors.

Singapore government’s inability to separate an opinion video with an actual crime, does not justify a boy being locked up behind bars alongside with rapists, thieves and murderers.

Singapore government’s fear, of a 15-year-old’s opinions making waves, only reminds me that the government is terrified of allowing YOU- Singaporeans, to realize that your opinions hold weight.

(Amos Yee assaulted, again in public) 

If I were Amos Yee, 

I would consistently remind the Singapore government of my confidence, right now, as I stand atop American soil.

I would expose the lies and reveal the hazy blanket Singapore government has used, to tuck all of us Singaporeans in, to our comfortable and expensive tiny HDB flats, every night.

I would rub it into Singapore government’s faces, how much change I can create, even from afar.


(Amos Yee, evidently in fear) 

If I were Amos Yee, 

right about now, I’d make another video. One just as incendiary in nature.

With my unforgettable brand of logic and ridicule, it wouldn’t take much. As much as you hate me, you can’t stop watching my videos. My scathing, in-depth commentary on LKY, LHL and The Amazing Singapore.

I would want you to know about my desperation. The anger and confusion I felt throughout, with no sign of anything ever getting better. I would want you to know how I fell apart, how this shaped me, and how it made me stronger.


You didn’t break me; and you couldn’t shut me up.
See, if I were Amos Yee, I would openly challenge them to come get me.

If I were Amos Yee,
I’d like to see them try.

If only I were Amos Yee. 



Jerry Mandarin (instagram: @thelyingcity)

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