If only trusting in God were easy.

Why is it so hard to trust God? Aren’t we supposed to know that God will always take care of us? I find it so hard to trust in God sometimes. And a lot of times these things I fail to trust Him in are small matters. One thing I do know though, is that when we finally put out trust in Him, it is one of the most freeing feelings you’ll ever experience.

Now, I don’t mean to say that in one moment we can just trust in God fully and then are freed forever. It’s a step-by-step process that can take a long time.

Lost it somewhere out here

Over the past two years, I have gone very very slowly down this path. I feel like every time I begin to trust Him in one thing, I suddenly find another more important thing that I doubt Him in. For example, just the other week I lost this cross I always wear. After not finding it for a few days, I doubted that God would help me find it. I kind of just assumed that He wasn’t gonna help with this one. Guess what, the very second that I told my friend I was doubting, my RA ran up to me and told me he found it. Definitely felt stupid after that one.

Still, why is trust so hard? For me, I think the hardest thing is the fact that it feels like I have no control. I basically just have to trust that whatever God does with my life will be better than what I think. This means having to constantly trust that He is guiding my life even if I have no idea what’s going on. It can lead to confusion and more questions like how will I know where I’m supposed to go if I can’t hear God? What do I do if it seems like nothing is changing in my life? How will I even know if God has already answered my prayers or what? But I think that’s kind of the whole point of trust – allowing ourselves to be confused and unsure of where our life is going because we believe that God will take care of us and guide us even if we can’t see it.

How do we learn to trust?

Well that’s something I’ve slowly been figuring out over the past couple years. The first thing I’ve learned is to start with the small things in life. For example, if you are anxious about a test or the amount of homework you have, just say a quick prayer and trust that God will take care of you and guide you as long as you give your best effort. By beginning with small things, we can begin to see how trust works. Eventually, the small things will lead to big things and we will grow more and more in trust. The end goal of course is to trust our entire lives to God because we know that His plan for us is the best.

Now what do we do if we trust God and then something goes wrong? This has happened to me quite a few times. But again, that is what trust is all about it. If we are trusting in God and giving our best effort then, no matter the outcome, we must believe that it is part of His plan and for our benefit. Like with the homework example, I’ve studied hard and trusted my anxiety to God but then gotten it back and failed. Rather than going back to doubting God, I had to figure out why this could have happened. Maybe God was trying to show me something about checking my work or not being afraid to ask for help. Whatever it was, I know that He was trying to teach me something so that I could experience greater happiness in life.

The Effects of Trust

Very simply the greatest effects of trusting God is freedom. Freedom from doubt, from anxiety, from fear, from the future, and from whatever in our lives is taking us away from Him. For me, freedom of anxiety is the one that means the most. My anxieties can completely consume me. But when I am able to fight through them and give them to God, I feel peace. This peace is the peace God wants all of us to experience in everything we do. It helps us live life in a way that we could never live with all these fears and doubts. Plus, when we finally see the reason’s why God is doing what He’s doing, everything makes sense. And I can guarantee that you’ll never wish it happened any other way. Only He knows our hearts best. (post that describes this in more detail if you’re interested)

In the end, He wants us to live lives of love and happiness. So, next time you’re confused or unsure of where to go in life, try to trust. You won’t regret it. He only loves you.

Jesus We Love You and We Trust You.

Cool Things:

Jesus I Trust in You Bracelet – I have this one it’s sick.

“Steady Heart” – Steffany Gretzinger (Acoustic) – I posted this song before but it’s all about trust please give it a listen

Psalm 4 – Trust in God

I thought this was hilarious #TrustGodbro


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