It was the night before Christmas…

Christmas has such a magical meaning to me. Before it was all about spending time with the relatives, but since having children it’s all about them.

Trying to create a magic of Christmas every year for them as the years go by is very challenging.

Our 4 year old son is still pretty much oblivious who brings those oh so wanted presents as long as they come, however our 7 year old daughter is much more harder to convince especially this year.

For the first time this year we put the presents under the tree a week early and told the children they are for the rest of the family. They did have a feel but luckily nothing got opened.

We decided to do a lower key Christmas this year as apposed to going all out, as we are relocating to Spain in few months and didn’t want to leave any toys behind, so we asked the family for smaller gifts and money in the card for them to spend in a toy store in Spain instead. The children know and they don’t mind.

I know many English people spend Christmas Eve snuggled up on the sofa watching movies or opening their Christmas Eve boxes, but for me Christmas Eve is actually Christmas. In Europe we always celebrate on the 24th, so I will be on the phone to my parents and my brother wishing them a very Merry Christmas and spending the evening making some of my favourite Hungarian dishes.

My husband is a very good cook so he’s usually in charge of the Christmas roast. I will also attempt to make some mulled wine this year for the family to enjoy while I will be sipping children’s champagne or orange juice…

Hope everyone has a blessed and merry Christmas and don’t forget Santa’s mince pie and milk…


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