January Review

Happy new mother-loving year everyone (especially all you mothers…)! We’re back and back with a vengeance, all be it a kind of ‘not really back on the ball and posting as much as we had been’ vengeance but we’re still back and that’s all that matters right? This month has seen Trump being a douche, myself and the Butcher being busy as shit with life things and The Killing Tree releasing some legit new tees and artwork. All I’ll say is, year of the rooster is off to a clucking start (sorrynotsorryactuallysorrydon’tjudge).

1) Looky Looky I Got Hooky.

Ever wanted to get a look at beautiful people wearing the kind of clothes your wardrobe wished it was full of? Then look(book) no further as the 2017 TKT Lookbook is out now for your eyes to drool over. This slick piece of computer-wizzy magic features some of the notorious designs created for you, by thems, to make you look epic and maybe pull on a night out. It also features some of the sickest photography you’ll see this year so maybs you should look at it now bro!

2) Flippin’ Eck…

It’s January… It’s fucking cold. Our collective nips could probably shatter the O-zone layer. Our tootsies are probably bluer than a smurf who digs asphyxiation more than your gran… So what better way to celebrate the chill with a shiny new pair of flip-flops! No, I’m not kidding, yes, I’ve got a pair and of course, you’re probably checking your bank account to see if you can get some. You might think it’s a silly idea to have a pair of flip-flops this early in the year but as all us Brits know… The moment that random-as-shit March heatwave kicks in, I’ll be the first bastard strutting down the street in these. So why not strut along with me?!?!?! Also Spartans wore these. This may or may not be a fact but in my head it is.

3) Karl Did A Old

Let’s keep it short and sweet. Earlier this month, you may or may not have gotten your hands on a 20% discount code. It’s only because Karl ‘Like-A-Bossman’ done another year of living, so to celebrate, he decided to give everyone money off his garms. What a lovely chap that man. Old man. Really old… Dad?…

4) When The River Runs Red…

Then go check out that Heaven’s Basement fella’s new prints! This geezer’s been pumping out some freakin bangers via The Killing Tree recently and he’s gone dropped 4 more this month! I’m no art critic but I reckon if you like fairys, skulls and butterflies then you might be onto a winner with these. However if you find yourself taking the dirt track instead then I do believe you’ve stumbled onto the wrong article and should perhaps return to your pornographic streaming site thankyouyes.

5) More Tee Vicar?

And finally, you sexy beasts, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. Tees glorious teeeeees. January hasn’t been much for new products BUT there’s been a big old restock of the big sellers as well as 2 that might have caught your eyes being the simplistic yet smart as shit PureLOVE and the ‘whatthefuckisit’ Boskop Man tees. So what are you waiting for? Throw your money at the interwebs until you have no more!!!

Words by Elliott Stubbings

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