Luna Rosina Marie DiPaolo

                                                                              To my beautiful daughter..

    Luna, I know I’ve missed out on so much, I never wanted it to be this way…. I wish I could have been hateful and kept you in Illinois with me, but I know what its like to not have your father around in your life. I wanted to be different than my parents and try to make things work in order for you to have us both in your life, but so far, I’ve failed. it was my choice to let your dad take you so I could get on my feet before you came back to me, but it was his choice to file for custody behind my back… I wish I could go back and change things but it doesn’t work out like that.. I miss you everyday you’re not with me, I pray that I will find a way to fix everything.. I’ve written more than a dozen letters that I plan to give you on your 16th birthday. I’m writing this tonight because I want the world to know that I wont give up baby girl. I will continue to fight this battle for us, you deserve to know your mother and your little brothers. we love you so much sweetie. its going to be a hard road ahead but I’m in this for the long haul cause you and your brothers are my reason to live. when I found out I was pregnant with you I knew I was given a second chance to change my life to focus on you and get my life together. you opened my eyes to a whole new world, you made me see that there is more to life when you have a little human being that watches, and learns from everything you do. you taught me that I could love someone so much more than I would have ever imagined. I Love You Luna Rosina Marie DiPaolo, and mommy is right here and has no plans of ever leaving. To The Moon And Back, BabyGirl.


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