Margie Palatini pt. 4

I’ve told you about most of my favorites by Margie, but there are others that I enjoy even if I’m not using them every year.

Moosetache is a super silly look at what to do with uncontrollable facial hair. The kids love the goofy things he tries and this one has a romantic ending: a she-moose with uncontrollable hair.

The Moose family shows up for two more stories. They take goofy hair to the extreme.

In Tub-Boo-Boo the boy sticks his big toe in the bathtub faucet. You’ll be shocked at how much work it takes a whole lot of people to get it out!

Hilda Mae Heifer has lost her moo. She wanders the farm trying to find her sound again, but the other animals don’t want her taking their sounds. Hilda loves to sing the sounds but is a terrible singer — which makes me the perfect person to read it aloud.

Hilda’s back but her singing sounds so lonely! The farm animals decide she needs someone to have a duet with, which means auditions! The kids may or may not get the American Idol jokes in here, but it’s a fun one to read.

Shelly is awfully slow coming out of his shell. His sisters try to force their ideas of fun on him but he’s not going to budge. It’s a great story for encouraging kids to be themselves.

In this mystery the Ducktectives are looking for the culprit behind vanishing vegetables. I have honestly never read this in a class, but it’s a fun book.

Tomorrow I’ll wrap up with my Margie Palatini spotlight and share some of her titles that I don’t own yet.

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