Misadventures of a Virgin by Meredith Wild

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Expected release on November 21, 2017

It’s been years since June Bell shared a stolen moment with her girlhood crush, Kase McCasker. It’s been just as long since Kase’s father nixed the sale of the McCasker farm to expand the grounds of the Bell’s grand hotel. Now that Kase is back home for good, June might be the only person who can persuade him to reconsider the abandoned plan. But how can she face him again after he left her without a word? Four years ago, unexpected news shook the foundation of Kase McCasker’s world. Escaping Falls Edge for college was the perfect excuse to chase his demons and bury his pain. Now, with a degree in hand and a void he can’t fill, he’s back in the little mountain town he thought he’d never call home again. Searching for purpose, he’s determined to put down roots and take over the struggling farm that’s been in his family for generations.

Time and distance haven’t taken the edge off his preoccupation with June, the spitfire daughter of his father’s rival. He hasn’t forgotten their time together and all the things they did and didn’t do. One look at her has him reconsidering the future and making a dangerous deal to win her over. Is a chance at her heart worth risking everything else?


|Copy Provided by Net Galley for honest review|

This was actually pretty good! This has one of the deepest story lines out of all the books that I have read in this series.

June has been working for her father who owns a hotel. He has been trying to purchase farm land in town from the McCasker family for expansion of the hotel. Her father finds out that the decision is actually up to the son Kase and sends June in to see if she can get him to sell. June had been pining over Kase since they shared a moment a few years ago. The moment they see each other again the chemistry is full force and hasn’t left for either one of them.

It was full of family rivalry, secrets and great chemistry. I loved June and Kase. I read this book quickly and absorbed every word. This was my third book in this series so far and my favorite out of them.

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