Mister Romance by Leisa Rayven

I love to read, this is not a secret. One of my favorite things about reading is being able to find myself in the characters of a story. Similar personality traits, senses of humor, experiences, I love to find those little quirks that help make the character more real for me and relate to what they’re going through.

Not every book offers this kind of experience, and that’s okay. Maybe you’re not meant to. Regardless, I look for myself in these characters. Am I the only one who does that?

In all my years of reading, there are few characters that I can really find myself truly relating to, really connecting with. When I bought this book after a friend recommended it, little did I know I had found my character. She is me. I am her. I absolutely loved this book, so be prepared for an extremely long discussion below. I have been known to be quite wordy…