More changes on the buses thanks to Watson’s whim

Transport for London has been forced to make more changes to bus routes in the town centre as a consequence of the “Watson whim” closure to vehicles of the High Street between Park Street and Katharine Street.

All change: TfL’s altering the 109’s bus route in central Croydon from Monday

From Monday, January 1, routes 109 and N109 will no longer stop opposite Croydon Town Hall.

TfL announced the changes with less than seven days’ notice, on Wednesday last week.

TfL’s notification states, “On the northbound route towards Brixton and Oxford Circus, routes 109 and N109 will no longer serve stop KL in Katharine Street opposite the town hall.

“This means that the first stop for both routes will be stop KB, on the south side of Katharine Street next to the Queen’s Gardens. Buses will then call at all stops on their normal route.

“There is no change to the southbound route towards Croydon Town Centre.

“We need to make this change to maintain reliability. Currently buses have to follow a lengthy diversion from their stand to reach stop KL and this will no longer be necessary.”

TfL say that these changes are “for a trial period until October 2017”.

One Town Hall insider suggests that this latest bus route adjustment at very short notice demonstrates TfL’s irritation with the council over the impracticalities of the closure of the High Street, which was railroaded through by Councillor Mark Watson with little proper consultation.

“We will work with Croydon Council to review the impact of these changes, before either making them permanent, or returning to the current arrangements, in autumn 2018,” TfL’s statement says.

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