MTAM- A.M. Rycroft 

For our first official Meet The Author Monday, my Gentle Readers, I have A.M. Rycroft, whose book “Into The Darkness” I recently reviewed. That book earned Rycroft a spot in the Horror Writers Association. In the style of my previous interviews, I will put my comments/questions in BLUE and she will be GREEN.

I always like to hear what introduced a writer to the literary world. Is there a specific person or event from your life that made you a reader?
My mother was a big reader, like her mother before her, so she was always buying me books and letting me pick out books as a child. So, I think it mostly comes from her.

What are you favorite genre(s) to read?
Typically, the same ones I write, so fantasy, horror, and sci-fi. I also delve into thrillers and some literary fiction from time to time.

Was there any particular person that inspired you to write?
I can’t say what got me going as a writer, other than reading a lot, but I started writing when I was little. I left it for art after high school, but when art school didn’t work out, I went back to writing. That’s worked out much better.
When you pick up that pen or tap those keys, what usually comes out?
Dark fantasy, mostly, with horror as my second love.

Let’s hear about your journey as a writer. How many works have you published, and what are your plans for the near future?
I have two books published in my dark fantasy series now. I decided to indie publish the first one last year and the second this year, because I like the control factor of indie publishing, as well as I wanted to get into publishing other people’s works. Right now, I’m wrapping up the first drafts to books 3 and 4 in the Cathell series and working towards publishing an anthology of other authors’works. They should all be on the shelves in early and mid 2017, which I’m very excited about.

I look forward to those new releases. I still need to get to the second Cathell book. Guess I have some catching up to do. When you are not writing, what consumes your time?
I do a little blogging, spend time with my spouse, and spend time at the gym. I’m a pretty big gym rat.

Healthy body helps the mind I think. Thanks for popping by A.M. And do keep us posted on those new releases. I’m sure my readers will enjoy the series as much as I did the first one.

If you want to find out more from this author you can find her at the following links.

– Facebook

– Twitter: @amrycroftwriter

– Instagram: @mightyquillbooks

– Website: and

– Amazon

– Goodreads
And remember, if you are an author who wants to be featured on my Meet The Author Monday series, you can find more information by Clicking Here

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