My Fair Lover (Legendary Lovers: Book 5) by Nicole Jordan

Title: My Fair Lover

Author: Nicole Jordan

Publisher: Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine

Date of publication: August 29th, 2017

Genre: Historical Romance

Number of pages: 368

POV: 3rd person

Series: Legendary Lovers

Princess Charming – Book 1

Lover Be Mine – Book 2

Secrets of Seduction – Book 3

The Art of Taming a Rake – Book 4

My Fair Lover – Book 5

Where you can find My Fair Lover: Barnes and Noble | Amazon

Book synopsis (from Goodreads):

Lady Katherine Wilde believes she has crushed any lingering romantic feelings toward Brandon Deverill, who spurned her six years ago. And now that the rough-edged rogue needs polishing to claim his inheritance, she’s willing to strike a practical bargain: Kate will mold the brash privateer into an acceptable English nobleman if Deverill will safeguard her from brigands on a voyage to recover lost family treasure. However, the soul-melting kiss that seals their agreement just may reignite blazing passion. 

Brandon’s fortitude was sorely tested when he turned Kate away from his bed all those years ago. Even a rake such as he wouldn’t seduce an innocent beauty before sailing into battle. But now that he’s inherited a title and must take a suitable bride, he sets his sights on Kate. Though he fiercely desires her, true love is a notion that baffles him–until their adventure turns perilous and Brandon realizes he’d gladly trade his life to save the woman who has captured his heart.

Trigger Warnings: None

My review:

My Fair Lover is the 5th book in the Legendary Lovers series. While this is book 5 in the series, this is a book that you can read alone. The author has skillfully kept almost all the characters from the earlier books in their books, only allowing the other characters in to help with the plot line. Which made for a truly wonderful read.

Now, I am going to warn you all, My Fair Lover isn’t your typical historical romance. Kate and Brandon have sex. Lots of sex. What was even more interesting to me was that birth control was talked about…mainly between Kate and her aunt Rachel. I have read a few Regency-era romance novels and I call tell you this: A)sex was a now until the main characters were married and B) birth control was not mentioned at all. So reading that passage, after they had arrived in France, was very refreshing and a bit educational. Read the book if you want to find out what I thought was educational about it.

I was kind of on the fence with Kate. While I liked her, I also kind of wanted to strangle her a bit. I liked her because she was a minx, she wasn’t afraid to be the odd duck out (and in Regency Era England that is a huge thing) and scandal really didn’t bother her. But at the same time, she was bothered when Brandon was attracted to her cousin and when a notorious widow had her sights on him. It was so conflicting and honestly, I didn’t know what to think of it or her. Also, she kinda was a busybody and kept interfering in Gabrielle and Jacque’s relationship…even after Brandon told her not too.

Brandon was a bit of an enigma during this book. I could never tell what he was feeling for her except when they were bumping uglies. I really thought, at one point, that he was actually going to go through with letting Kate find a bride for him and keep her as his side piece. So when it came about that he had feelings for her, I was pretty surprised.

The whole storyline about going to France to find the bodies of her parents and aunt and uncle was heartbreaking. I couldn’t even imagine losing loved one that way and no wonder Kate had nightmares about shipwrecks. I would too. I also loved that her family and herself was able to get some sort of closure at the end of the book. Like I said, I can’t even imagine.

The sex scenes were pretty hot too. They weren’t page burning hot but they were very steamy.

The end of the book was pretty typical but I do like that there was a hint of a next book. If there is, I can’t wait to read it!!

How many stars will I give My Fair Lover: 4

Why: Well written, steamy, historical romance that definitely keeps your attention.

Will I reread: Yes

Will I recommend to family and friends: Yes

Age range: Adult

Why: Sex and some mild violence

**I chose to leave this review after reading an advance reader copy**

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