My Thoughts On Daniel Smith Watercolour

I’ve had my artist set now for about a week and have been painting everyday with it. So I thought I’d make a few points on what I think of them thus far.

Colours pictured Quinocridone Red & Gold, Hansa Yellow Medium, French Ultramarine, Phthalo Blue (tube).

Excellent quality, as if this was in question. They mix beautifully, they’re heavily pigmented and require a lot less work than cheaper paints to get the same effects and better on paper. The point to buy artist quality pigments right off the bat is a good one. It’s much easier to learn with paints that behave nicely on the paper. Yes do yourself a favour and do not attempt to learn watercolour with student paints.

My self researched colour selection is one that I’m happy with. There hasn’t been a colour I’ve needed and not been able to create with this set. I get a beautiful range of natural greens for stems and leaves, have been able to easily create burnt umbers and sienna’s. Oranges, reds and purples are all clear and bright and natural appearing. Overall I’m happy with it.

Sticks or tubes? I purchased the sticks because they were on sale at the time and a lot cheaper than the same colours in tubes. I had intended to cut them up and put them as little pans in my palette but was shopping in Lincraft and they had these nice little tins for $2. Which just happen to fit my set perfectly and the bonus is it’s very portable.

I had read that the sticks soften in humid climates and perhaps they do. Mine feel a little rubbery rather than hard but they are not the gooey mess I was expecting. Another reason why I’m not bothering with pans, putting brush to stick is just as easy. I wasn’t able to get Phthalo Blue in a stick because they were sold out and had to buy a tube. I like the appearance of the tubes over the sticks, feels more painterly than a bunch of crayon looking things but it’s fiddly and I wished I had them all in stick form. Taking the cap on and off to get a tiny amount is annoying. I almost want to leave the cap off until the whole tube dries out then cut the foil off and have it as a stick. I will probably buy a few loose half pans just to fill one up with this colour and have the others as mixing pots. Not sure I will ever paint plein air, but I like the idea of having a little tin to take with me if I ever do.

Are there any other colours I’m thinking of buying? Not really at this point. I’d rather upgrade my brushes and get another pad of paper. But if I ever do I will probably add Cerulean Blue Chromium and Buff Titanium to my stick collection. Those two colours get such a good rap from so many I feel I could be missing out by not having them although they are extra’s and not at all necessary for me right now. I don’t feel as if I’m actually missing anything in my palette though.


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