PERCEPTION by Terri Fleming

Not to brag too much, BUT, Writing Women of Zurich predicted in a September 2016 post that Terri Fleming’s novel, PERCEPTION, would be a big hit.  Now, that was a prescient posting…

The Orion Publishing Group, one of the UK’s leading publishers, published Terri’s novel to coincide with the 200th anniversary of Jane Austen’s death.  PERCEPTION follows the fortunes of the two lesser known, unmarried Bennet sisters, quiet, bookish Mary and fun-loving Kitty. The story of the sisters, immortalized in PRIDE AND PREJUDICE, is set several years after the events of the original novel.

PERCEPTION is available through several outlets including  (where it earned top ratings by the way.…)

ALSO: and several audio recordings as well.

More information can be found on Terri’s website:

Gracious as ever, Terri gives credit to her fellow writing partners in Writing Women of Zurich and notes the groups encouragement led to the completion of her novel.  Way to go, Terri!


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