Pole Shoots: Aerial Silk!

I still think all my fears of having a silks shoot is rational. It is after all an apparatus that require the biggest space. I did consider practicing more or doing it another time. But I often put off many things and then end up completely abandoning the idea so yes I’m happy I did it even if I felt like I wasn’t ready for it.

After doing countless revisions on my cheat sheet, I didn’t refer to my notes the entire time. It pays to be a worrier though. I think I rewrote it too many times to forget anything. I bought extra sheets of white cloth for my backdrop too (which was still not enough).

All in all I think the hardest part was installing the backdrop and removing and reinstalling the poles. It’s by far the most adventurous shoot in terms of the skill set/apparatus used, the lighting treatment and the number of poses. I was aiming to have both fully-lit shots and silhouette shots but I did a little bit more. I touched on mixing ambient light with flash as side-lighting and used the wall as background (I often stick to plain white background).

I did forget to shoot silks in silhouette but hey I love the results! You know if you can shoot silks, you can shoot everything! Hahaha! Don’t ever look back. Anyway, my muse for this shoot asked me what my goals are now and I didn’t know the answer so I have a separate post for just that. Kayleen on Aerial Silks/October 2017/Polecats Manila Studio Advertisements Share this:
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