Psychopaths & Fake News
Liberal Progressives created the term “Fake News” and then they became associated with it. Now CNN wants the term “Fake News” banned. Lol, wut???
When I was creating my psychological models I realized that psychopaths think like women. The psychopath is the “pretty” (over-coddled) child that the toxic mother figure favors. The toxic mother figure vets her children and prefers the child that increases and expands her authority. She wants to usurp the Authority of Reason so she doesn’t like the child that she can’t manipulate or lie to.
Every form of Media edits the Consideration Set creating Disparate Impact and leaking a bias. The “TMF” attracts the child’s attention to an object (or subject) and then she communicates Emotional Data to the child in order to influence how the child feels about the subject and the relationship the child has with the subject. The child doesn’t know how his brothers and sisters respond to the stimulus but the TMF does. She favors the children that follow her lead and she sabotages the children that don’t. While she micro-manages everything she accepts no responsibility for negative outcomes, secretly takes credit for the successes of others, and does everything with a smile on her face.
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