Reflections on “The Hero”

There are few movies that I see a trailer (of a film I did not know about) and I immediately go “I have to see that film.” The Hero was one of those films.  I saw the trailer a few weeks ago and it captivated me.  So today I went and saw it.  And I’ll go on record saying it is one of the best films of 2017.

The film stars Sam Elliott, Laura Prepon, Nick Offerman, Krysten Ritter & Katharine Ross.  Elliott plays Lee Hayden, an actor best known for his starring role as “The Hero”, a western film released nearly 40 years ago.  These days he’s doing voice work for commercials and passing time by smoking weed with his former co-star in a short lived TV series Jeremy (played by Offerman).  During the course of the film, he deals with the estranged relationship he has with his daughter Lucy (played by Ritter), the burgeoning friendship/romantic relationship with a comedienne named Charlotte (played by Prepon) and the coming to terms with the diagnosis of cancer that hangs over him.

The film gives an honest portrayal of a man who is in the latter stages of his life reflecting back on it while at the same time looking ahead at what’s still in front of him.  Lee is someone who is defined by many people as “The Hero” and is recognized as such with a lifetime achievement.  But he is also someone who is broken, with a failed marriage and the loss of a relationship with his daughter.  And the journey that Lee goes through in the film (and we are along for the ride) is one that feels real and emotional.  Your heart breaks for him while at times feeling frustrated with him.  It’s a well rounded connection.

The director for this film also did I’ll See You in My Dreams (a film in which Sam Elliott also starred).  There were moments in this film that felt similar to that film.  I think the word that best describes this film is poignant.  It is a very poignant film.  It is also very compelling.  The acting in this film was very good.  The characters feel real and they have a lot of depth.  They make you go through a gamut of emotions with them.

As I walked out of the theater, I thought of two things.  One, it is important that there are films like The Hero because they aren’t “franchise” films but are at their root storytelling films.  Two, The Hero come award season should be recognized for the performances and work done by the director and actors/actresses.  If you get a chance (it is an independent film so it’s not showing everywhere) you should see this film.

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